DMC Global's business is a CLEAN business

DMC Global, compliance and integrity are key management priorities. We hold zero tolerance towards violence, war & aggression, violation of human rights, corruption, violation of principles for fair competition, along with any other breaches of the law. In all our years of practice, we have followed our host country’s regulations and always complied with the international legal framework as derived from all regulatory bodies.

Compliance and integrity mean much more to us than just fitting in with the legal norms. It goes beyond them and matches responsible business practices, ethical and human freedoms, self-determination of individuals and peoples, equal rights and fair equality of opportunity, labor rights, and environmental regulations integrating them into our business processes, activities, and relationships.

We actively support international initiatives against fraud and money laundering, and we safeguard personal data and human rights. We stand against any tax evasion practices, and we actively contribute to the communities that form the basis of our existence.

What is DMC Global's compliance system?

For DMC Global, compliance system means that at any given point, we can grant to our partners and associates, that our company, directly or indirectly, or any of the entities/individuals in the Executive Management, ARE NOT subject to any international sanctioned regimes, including but not limited to, international economics, sectoral, financial or trade sanction laws and/ regulations enforced by:

the United States of America, the European Union or any of its member states, the United Kingdom, the Security Council of the United Nations,

the respective governmental bodies, institutions, departments, legislatures, regulatory authorities, and agencies of any of the foregoing, in each case, which is responsible for and/ or capable of enacting, implementing, imposing, interpreting, applying, or enforcing Sanctions.

DMC Global DOES NOT conduct and DOES NOT PLAN TO conduct any direct or indirect business dealings to, or with, any of the following countries, or their residents in or organized under the laws of such countries:

Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Belarus, the Russian Federation, the territory of Crimea, the Donetsk People’s Republic, and the Luhansk People’s Republic.
Any country or territory to the extent such involvement of Sanctioned Countries or Sanctions Targets in business, sales, or transfers of such products would violate or cause a violation of any Sanctions.

DMC Global commitment

Our company maintains a thorough and extensive KYC and KYS system, reassuring all parties involved in our industry that their dealings with us are safe. At the same time, we maintain the flow of information open also from our side when this is requested. Our team, confirms, checks, and approves business partners, in the whole scope of the business and Supply Chain that comply with our values and share the same commitments.

DMC Global's business is a CLEAN business as we want to increase awareness, respect, and enhance values by developing a safe environment for us and our associates to THRIVE.