Seamless Pipes and Tubes

DMC Global Steel's stainless steel and Ni-based alloy pipes and tubes have superior corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and low-temperature mechanical properties, and have been used as raw materials that can withstand harsh environments as seen in petroleum refining, petroleum chemistry, and energy fields, such as power and gas.


Stainless steel and Ni-based alloy pipes and tubes have superior corrosion resistance, heat resis-tance, and low-temperature properties, and have been used as raw materials that can withstand harsh environments as seen in petroleum refining, petroleum chemistry, and energy fields, such as power and gas. Recently, they have proliferated in fields for building construction applications with their high aesthetic quality advantages, as well as in fields of new demand including semiconductor and liquid-crystal manufacturing equipment appli-cations requiring a high level of cleanliness.

Our stainless steel and Ni-based alloy pipes and tubes have been manufactured based on excel-lent technology and strict quality control, from raw materials to final products, and have gained a favorable reputation from various fields. Without remaining complacent with the status quo, we will continue to research and develop improved products and will strive to meet the demands of the industry — which is undergoing remarkable technological innovation — and so we hope you will continue to do business with us.


Consistent quality control

Consistent control is performed from the material design stage, in order to deliver materials that meet customer needs. Strict quality control is performed from the raw material processing and steel-making stages to deliver high quality materials.

Abundant steel grades

In addition to the steel grades specified in the JIS and ASTM standards, our proprietary characteristic steel grades are also available.

Numerous acquired certifications

Many JIS, TÜV, and ship-class standard certifications and approvals have been acquired.

Substantial process control and service organization

Production is based on rational process control to ensure that you are satisfied about the delivery date.

Appropriate technical services are also provided based on state-of-art research, experience, and track records.

Introduction to high-function steel grades


Austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes with seawater-resistance

20Cr-18Ni-6Mo-0.7Cu-0.2N-LC/Equivalent steel grades:ASTM S31254、JIS G3463 SUS312LTB



  1. Superior corrosion resistance against chlorides, such as seawater.
  2. Favorable corrosion resistance against hydrochloric acid and organic acid.
  3. Superior stress corrosion crack resistance to Type316 and 25Cr duplex stainless steel.
  4. Equivalent weldability to common austenitic stainless steel using 625 welding consumable.




Austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes against polythionic acid stress corrosion cracking

18Cr-10Ni-0.3Nb/Equivalent steel grades:ASTM S34751、ASME Code Case 2196


  1. Excellent polythionic acid SCC resistance with no PWHT (post-weld heat treatment) .
  2. Equivalent weldability to Type304 and superior one to Type347.
  3. Equivalent high-temperature strength to Type347.



Seawater heat exchanger tubes and seawater desalination plant pipes


Austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes against polythionic acid SCC and stress relaxation cracking

18Cr-11Ni-3Cu-Mo-Nb-B-N/Equivalent steel grades: ASTM S34752、ASME Code Case 2984


  1. Excellent polythionic acid SCC resistance and stress relaxation cracking with no PWHT (post-weld heat treatment)
  2. Superior high-temperature strength to type347H
  3. Equivalent weldability Type304 and superior one to Type347


Austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes against Polythionic acid stress corrosion cracking and Naphthenic acid corrosion

17Cr-14Ni-3Mo-0.3Nb-N/Equivalent steel grades: ASTM S31740、ASME Code Case 3038


  1. Excellent naphthenic acid and polythionic acid corrosion resistance without PWHT and thermal stabilization.
  2. Better phase stability at high temperature as compared with type317L.
  3. Equivalent mechanical property to type317L.High Mo bearing Ni-based welding consumable such as 617 or 625 filler are available.


New stainless steel for high pressure gaseous Hydrogen environments

22Cr-13Ni-5Mn-2Mo-0.3N-Nb-V/NIPPON STEEL Standard (According to ASME SA-312 TPXM-19)



  1. Highest level resistance to hydrogen embrittlement due to higher Ni equivalent design
  2. About 15 and 50% higher strength than TPXM-19 and TP316L by adjusting manufacturing process and chemical composition within ASME TPXM-19 standard
  3. Good weldability with strength and resistance to hydrogen embrittlement equal to base metal


  1. Optimized ranges of V, Nb and N so that it can be used for low-temperature piping portion such as liquefied hydrogen usage
  2. Both base metal & welded joint achieved lateral expansion≧0.46mm* at -196˚C
    * ASME Section VIII Division 1 (1998) part UHA requirement
  3. Strength satisfied with ASME TPXM-19 requirement


Austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes with sulfuric acid dew point corrosion resistance

18Cr-16Ni-3.5Mo-4Cu/Equivalent steel grades;ASTM S31730


  1. Superior corrsion resistance in sulfuric acid and hydrochloride acid than conventional austenitic stainless steels.
  2. Equivalent localized corrosion resistance to Type316L.
  3. Equivalent weldability to Type316L using commercially available Ni-based welding consumable.


Duplex stainless steel pipes and tubes with high strength

YUS™2120:21Cr-2Ni-3Mn-Cu-N /Equivalent steel grades: JIS G3459 SUS821L1TP, G3446 SUS821L1 TKA, G 3463 SUS821L1TB

YUS™2351:23Cr-5Ni-1Mo /Equivalent steel grades: JIS G3459 SUS329J1TP, G3446 SUS329J1 TKA, G 3463 SUS329J1TB


  1. Lean duplex stainpess steel pipes and tubes
  2. Equal or higher pitting corrosion resistance than Type 304 and Type 316L
  3. About twice the yeild strength as Type 304 and 316 at room temperature


Super duplex stainless steel pipes and tubes

25Cr-7Ni-3.2Mo-2W-N/Equivalent steel grades;ASTM S39274、ASME Code Case 2427、NORSOK M-630/M-650


  1. Excellent resistance to localized corrosion.
  2. High resistance to general corrosion (especially in a sour environment).
  3. Excellent mechanical properties.
  4. Good weldability.
  5. Low sensitivity to sigma phase precipitation.


Duplex stainless steel pipes and tubes for urea plants

27.5Cr-7.7Ni-2.2W-Mo-N/Equivalent steel grades:ASTM S32808、ASME Code Case 2496


  1. Excellent corrosion resistance in urea- carbamate solution.High resistance to SCC.
  2. Very high mechanical strength
  3. Good weldability.
  4. Good formability.


Ferritic stainless steel pipes and tubes with high corrosion resistance

19Cr-2Mo-Ti-Nb-ULC-LN/Equivalent steel grades:ASTM TP444、JIS G3463 SUS444TB


This is a ferrite stainless steel pipe and tube that delivers superior performance regarding stress corrosion cracking, which is the disadvantage of austenite stainless steel, and also has intergranular corrosion resistance, pitting corrosion resistance, and crevice corrosion resistance that have been significantly enhanced.

  1. Superior stress corrosion crack resistance and intergranular corrosion resistance.
  2. Even or better pitting corrosion resistance and crevice corrosion resistance than TP304.
  3. Good formability and weldability.


Water heater pipes and seawater heater exchanger tubes


Austenitic stainless (high Ni) alloy pipes and tubes for ethylene plants



  1. Long unit length more than 13m with small diameter.
  2. Internal finned tubes are available.
  3. Excellent elevated temperature strength and carburization resistance.
  4. Excellent ductility.
  5. Easy repair of welds.


New Ni-based alloy with best-balanced performances

23Cr-47Ni-6Mo-3Cu/Equivalent alloy grades;ASTM N06845、ASME Code Case 2794


  1. Excellent corrosion resistance for both oxidizing and reducing environment.
  2. More cost-effective than conventional alloys.
  3. Good formability and weldability.


Ni-based alloy pipes and tubes with excellent metal dusting resistance

30Cr-60Ni-2Cu-1.5Si/Equivalent alloy grades;ASTM N06696、ASME Code Case 2652


  1. Excellent high- temperature corrosion resistance especially carburization and metal dusting.
  2. High strength at elevated temperature.
  3. Excellent thermal stability.
  4. Good weldability.

NEXAGE™201 Easy handling Ni by strengthening

Equivalent steel grades:ASTM N02200, N02201(Low-C)


  1. Improvement of handling ability by adding Nb within the range of the standard.
  2. Improvement of corrosion resistance by reducing solute carbon
10 Anson Road, # 11-20, International Plaza, Singapore



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